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Lee Wang-gu desemnat oficial ca noul presedinte Ceragem




Noul presedinte Ceragem, Lee Wang-gu, inaugurat oficial.


Ceragem Group l-a numit oficial pe domnul Lee Wang-gu presedinte care se ocupa de marketingul afacerii globale, iar pentru asta s-a tinut o ceremonie de inaugurare la auditoriumul sediului central in data de 17 februarie 2014.


Presedintele Lee Wang-gu a fost promovat din functia de vice-presedinte in functia de presedinte al afacerii globale Ceragem in conferinta care a avut loc pe 7 februarie, si mai tarziu transferat in functia de presedinte care se coupa cu promotia marketingul in cele 70 de tari. Presidentele Lee Wang-gu are multi ani de experienta practica in domeniul ingrijirii sanatatii pe piata nationala si

International. A obtinut multa experienta in afara granitelor cand era director si presedinte al unei companii corporative.  Alegerea noului presedinte s-a facut pentru ca are abilitati de management chiar si in moment de criza si pentru ca este un bun lider. Astfel, Ceragem se v-a concentra foarte tare pe piata straina.


I will enhance Ceragems competitiveness through change and innovation. In his address, he presented his mid-long term goal and requested change from executives and employees to make that happen saying, I will make Ceragem a company worth 10 trillion won by 2020. In order to grow and achieve Ceragems goal to become global healthcare company in the rapidly changing business environment both domestically and internationally, we all have to arm ourselves with new mind-set.


Presedintele Lee Wang-gu a declarat la inaugurarea sa ca va fi un lider care va lua initiativa si va face un exemplu prin fapte, nu cuvinte, si va creea miracolul Ceragem inca o data.


President Lee Wang-gu has been recognized for his remarkable achievement that contributed to the sales revenue of 300 billion won (as of 2008) since Ceragems establishment. With his outstanding leadership and organization management ability, he stood out in developing new markets in both Korea and overseas. Especially, he achieved a remarkable market growth in India and Central America. Last year, he received a Republic of Korea Presidential Award at the 50th Annual Trade Day Ceremony in appreciation of his contribution to increase the nations exports.  





Ceragem a organizat o ceremonie de inaugurare in auditoriumul centrului principal, pe 17 februarie.

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